What makes NFT Digital Art Valuable?

Introduction  As a Non-Fungible Token, your artwork is not a fungible token like any money. This in itself makes your NFT art a valuable asset indeed. NFT art can be worth any amount as they are subject to an auction style bidding by willing buyers. But the non-fungible nature of NFT art is only one of several reasons why the […]

Will Scanning Original Art and Selling as an NFT really work?

Introduction  I have been asked this question multiple times and my answer still remains the same. Yes. You can indeed scan an original artwork (that is yours) and sell it as an NFT art. However, there are some things you need to take into consideration before scanning your artwork and selling it as an NFT art on an NFT marketplace […]

How to create NFT art with no coding experience using Rarible?

Introduction Do you know you don’t need a BSc, Masters or PHD in coding before you can create NFT art on Rarible? In this post you will learn how to make this happen.   Connect your Wallet to Rarible.com Go to Rarible.com and connect your crypto wallet. Check the upper right-hand corner while on the Rarible website user interface for […]

What Software is required to Create NFT Art?

Introduction If you have decided to start creating your own digital art that you intend selling as an NFT art. That’s great news! But have you decided on which software to use? Have you been misled into thinking that you need sophisticated software to create NFT art? Before you spend a lot of money on an expensive graphic design software, […]

How easy is it to Create NFT Art and make Money by Selling it?

Introduction One question that most NFT art beginners frequently ask is the question of how easy is it to create NFT art and make money selling your crypto art? In truth there is no simple answer to this question as there are several factors that can make or mar your success in the NFT marketplace.   Creating Your Artwork is […]

How to Make an NFT Art Value of $1,000 or more ?

Introduction  The first thing you should know is that investing in NFT crypto art like all other business ventures is a risk. But unlike all other businesses, the risk is not in whether or not your artwork would be visible to potential buyers. The risk is not in the cost of transporting your artwork to interested clients or the risk […]

Can Anyone Make Money Selling NFT Art?

Introduction  If you are already vested in the world of NFT crypto art, you may have come across a news feed of a 12-year-old boy that raked in USD $395,000 by selling a bunch of pixelated crypto artwork. Maybe you have heard of “Weird Wales”? Well, that was the title of the series of crypto art that this kid created […]

Why are People Paying Huge Amounts to Buy NFT Art?

Introduction  “Nyan Cat” went for USD $580,000 and “Weird Wales” sold for USD $395,000. These are massive amounts of money to spend on crypto art, but people are spending the money anyway. Maybe people just have the money to spend, maybe it’s the fact that buying crypto art from NFT marketplaces gives you sole ownership of the artwork. Maybe it […]

Choosing the Right NFT Marketplace to Sell Your Digital Assets

Wanna dive into the NFT craze? Enter the NFT marketplace, which is a doorway to the NFT world! Recently the NFT ownership model has been attractive to many investors and collectors because it allows them to build their name and gain loyalty in less time. Also, as compared to the traditional marketplaces, NFT has minimal barriers, and it is also […]

What are the Best NFT Art Marketplaces in 2021?

Introduction So, you now have a digital artwork and you have opened a crypto wallet, but you are not sure of the NFT marketplace to host your NFT crypto art. Well, this brief article will highlight the best three NFT art marketplaces in 2021. At the end of the day, you will get to decide which marketplace appeals to you […]